Cervical spondylitis

  • Nartono Kadri Department of Child Health and Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Indonesia Medical School, Jakarta
  • Sularto Reksoprodjo Department of Child Health and Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Indonesia Medical School, Jakarta
Keywords: cervical spondylitis, tuberculous spondylitis, tubercle bacilli


Tuberculous spondylitis in children is usually due to dissemination of tubercle bacilli by the blood stream from the initial infection which is in
the majority of cases a pulmonary primary tuberculosis.

About five per cent of the large group of children pulmonary primary
tubercolusis have (a) complication in bone and joint (Lincoln and
Sewell, 1963). Any bone of the body can be involved. The most common site, however, is the spine column of which the thoracic part, especiaUy the lower is the most common site. The cervical segments are next in order of frequency. Sularto et al. (1970), however, found that the
upper part of the lumbar spine was the most common site of involvement.


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ke VI (1970).
How to Cite
Kadri N, Reksoprodjo S. Cervical spondylitis. PI [Internet]. 30Mar.1973 [cited 4Jul.2024];13(4):134-4. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1332
Case Report
Received 2017-03-30
Accepted 2017-03-30
Published 1973-03-30