A new oral amoebicid (RO 7-0207) in the treatment of intestinal amoebiasis

  • S. H. Pudjiadi Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School, Jakarta
  • Sunoto Sunoto Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School, Jakarta
  • Suharjono Suharjono Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School, Jakarta
  • Nartono Kadri Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School, Jakarta
Keywords: oral amoebicid, RO 7-0207, intestinal amoebiasis, amoebiasis


Amoebiasis is a widespread disease with the diffusion of the parasite
varying more with hygienic than geopraphic conditions. The incidence
varies from country to country. Soysa (1971) has estimated that ten per cent of the world-population suffers from amoebiasis. Udani et al. (1971) said that "it will not he an exaggaration to state that everyhody in a developing country either had, has or will have amoebic infection". In
Indonesia, the incidence varies according to environmental, socia-economic, hygienic and sanitary conditions (Pudjiadi, 1971).


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3. PUDJIADI. S.H.; SRI MULlANI DARMAWAN and MUSLICHAN. S.:Intestopan in the treatment of intestinal amoebiasis. Asian Symposium on Amoebiasis. New Delhi 1969. Paediat. Indon.
9: 137 (1969).
4. PUDJIADI, S.H. : Incidence of Amoebiasis in Indonesia. Colloquium on Amebiasis. XIII Intern. Congr. Pediat., Wien 1971. PaediM. Indon. II : 191 (1971).
5. SOYSA, P.E. : Drugs in the treatment of amoebiasis. Proc.
XIII Intern. Congr. Pediat. Wien 7: 15 (1971).
6. SRI ROCHANI STJDJARWO: HARDJANTO. H. and SUHARJONO: Clinical trial of oral dehydro-emetine In Intestinal amoebiasls. Paediat. Indon. 11:198 (1971).
7. TJDAN!. P.M.; PAREKH. U.C.; MID,HERJEE. S ; DESHMUKH. C.K. and SHAH. P.M.: Amoebic liver abscess in lnfancy and childhood. Proc. XIII Intern. Congr. Pediat., Wien 6: 1 (1071).
8. W.H.O. Expert Committee. Amoebiasis Wld Hlth. Org. Techn. Rep. Ser. 421 : .2 (1969).
How to Cite
Pudjiadi S, Sunoto S, Suharjono S, Kadri N. A new oral amoebicid (RO 7-0207) in the treatment of intestinal amoebiasis. PI [Internet]. 30Mar.1973 [cited 4Jul.2024];13(4):113-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1330
Received 2017-03-30
Accepted 2017-03-30
Published 1973-03-30