Pattern of diseases associated with fever among infants aged 1-6 months

  • G. Gunawan Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School, Manado
  • T. H. Rampengan Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School, Manado
Keywords: fever, pattern of diseases, infants


This study was carried out retrospectively to evaluate the pattern of diseases associated with fever among infants aged 1-6 months at Gunung Wenang General Hospital Manado. During the period of January 1988 - December 1989, 189 infants with age ranging 1-6 mnths, were evaluated. Diseases associated with fever predominantly occurred in infants of 3 months old (73.0%).

The final clinical diagnosis oj diseases associated with fever were gastroenteritis (39./5%), pneumonia (28.05%), meningitis (9%), respiratory tract injection (/5.4%), post vaccination (4.20%) and septicemia (4.3%).

The fever ranged from 37.8 - 38.3°C (38%); 38.4 - 39.5°C (49%), 39.6 - 41°C (10%) and more than 41°C (3%). The elevated body temperature was significantly related to the duration oj fever (p 0.01).

Increased erythrocyte sediment ion rate and thrombocytopenia were not correlated significantly (p:> 0.05) with elevated body temperature IVhile the total white cell count had a significant relationship (p <- 0.05).


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How to Cite
Gunawan G, Rampengan T. Pattern of diseases associated with fever among infants aged 1-6 months. PI [Internet]. 30Aug.1991 [cited 6Feb.2025];31(7-8):205-1. Available from:
Received 2017-02-23
Accepted 2017-02-23
Published 1991-08-30