Suspicion of neglect or abuse in two hospitalized cases (Case report)

  • Moersintowarti B. Narendra Indonesian Society of Pediatrician, Faculty of Medicine/Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
  • Hardjono Soeparto Indonesian Society of Pediatrician, Faculty of Medicine/Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
  • Yustina Rosanti Indonesian Society of Pediatrician, Faculty of Medicine/Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
  • Agus Salim Indonesian Society of Pediatrician, Faculty of Medicine/Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
Keywords: child abuse and neglect, Indonesia.


The convention of children’s rights (1989) has acknowledged and recommended a statement that minimal
standard for the child welfare with the range of primary right to keep an outstanding life for the children’s development to their
maximum potential, protecting from disturbances e.g. neglect and physical abuse.But, it is difficult to classify cases whether
related to the problem of neglect or abuse, especially in developing countries where discrepancies in health services is
remain exist.Objective : To present two cases which have been overlooked to the possibilities of abuse and neglect.
Discription of the cases :Case 1. A malnourished 2 years old boy who was admitted with diarrhea in Dr.Soetomo Hospital
Surabaya (September 6 ,1998) with :Clinical criteria of Marasmic Kwashiorkor available.Ignorance of health worker about
nutritional status and inadequate referral system. 3. Factors related to the malnutrition are: a. Early weaning and inadequate
weaning food. b. Poverty and low education. c. Lack of integrated health care (GOBI FFF practice). Case 2. An epileptic 11
years old girl was admitted in Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya (July,12, 1999). Problems list were : Respiratory problem which
could not be explained pathophysiologically. Single parent, and inconsistency of adequate childrearing , Factors related to the
failure in compliance of epileptic treatment, and Isolation and restricted movement.Discussion of the difficulty in classification
of the cases, and the possibility of solving the problem in Surabaya related to the limited action of the Committee on Child
Protection, need to have positive suggestions sharing experience from the Congress members.


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2. Agus Salim. A problem case of epilepsy presented for the purpose of educatioal requirement in Pediatric training, Dept.of Child Health Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University; 1999 (unpublished).
3. Hongkong Child Protection Registry, Statistical Report, 1998. p 13.
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6. Moersintowarti B.Narendra. Approach on Problems of Child Abuse and Neglect, Presented at The sixth Asean Pediatric Federation Conference, Denpasar Bali, October 21-24; 1992.
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How to Cite
Narendra M, Soeparto H, Rosanti Y, Salim A. Suspicion of neglect or abuse in two hospitalized cases (Case report). PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2001 [cited 20Mar.2025];41(3-4):115-9. Available from:
Received 2017-02-01
Accepted 2017-02-01
Published 2001-04-30