Development of children of 2 – 3 years old from pre-prosperous family and prosperous family stage II

  • Haris Marta Saputra Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Sulaiman Yusuf Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Noval Azis Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Amir Syarifuddin Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Bistok Saing Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Keywords: child development, socio-economic status


In this study we assess the condition of children development of 2-3 years of age in prosperous family, preprosperous
family and prosperous family stage II, and find the related factors. This was a cross sectional study on 94
children of pre-prosperous family and 94 children of prosperous family stage II at Medan Tuntungan district from December
1998 up to March 1999. Data is obtained by questionnaires and examination of the developmental bases by Denver II Method.
Statistical analysis of relationship between 2 qualitative variables is tested by chi-square. In the pre-prosperous family we
found 67 children with (35.6%) normal development and 27 (14.4%) children with abnormal development, on the prosperous
family stage II there were 81 (43.1%) children with normal development and 13 (6.9%) children with abnormal development.
We found significant difference between the children development of pre-prosperous and prosperous stage II (p<0.05),
significant relationship between children development within 2-3 years of age and the parents’ education level of the Preprosperous
family (p<0.05), and no significant relationship of the following factors: mothers employment status, mother’s
age, number of family and the child’s order in the family.


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How to Cite
Saputra H, Yusuf S, Azis N, Syarifuddin A, Saing B. Development of children of 2 – 3 years old from pre-prosperous family and prosperous family stage II. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2001 [cited 20Mar.2025];41(3-4):100-5. Available from:
Received 2017-02-01
Accepted 2017-02-01
Published 2001-04-30