Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) Score as prognosis of multiple organ failure in sepsis

  • Hendra Hendra Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University/Prof.dr.R.D.Kandou General Hospital
  • Ari Lukas Runtunuwu Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University/Prof.dr.R.D.Kandou General Hospital
  • Jeanette Irene Chistie Manoppo Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University/Prof.dr.R.D.Kandou General Hospital
Keywords: PELOD score, sepsis, multiple organ failure.


Background Sepsis is an emergency event that often found in
pediatric intensive care unit. If this condition is not early detected
and promptly treated, severe complications including septic shock
and multiple organ failure may result that can end up as death.
Objective To discover alternative measurement as a prognosis of
multiple organ failure in sepsis.
Methods This cross sectional study was conducted in 37 patients
diagnosed as sepsis. The age of the patients were 1 month until 13
years and the patients were hospitalized in child health department
of R. D. Kandou Hospital during June 2009 – September 2009.
Result Bronchopneumonia (18) was the most common
infection source, followed by gastroenteritis (11), encephalitis
(6) and meningitis (2). The bacteria which is found was Proteus
mirabilis (5), Citrobacter difersus (5), Staphylococcus aureus (3),
Escherichia coli (2) and Acinetobacter baumannii (1). There was
no significant difference in gender distribution, nutrition status
and blood culture between both groups. Laboratory findings and
clinical manifestations which included white blood cell (WBC)
> 10.000/μL (34), platelet count > 150.000 (27) and body
temperature 38oC – 39oC (20). There was a correlation between
PELOD score and multiple organ failure (P=0.02). A higher
PELOD score will increase opportunity to get multiple organ
failure. In patient with organ failure more than two, PELOD
score 0-10 (9 patients), score 11-20 (7 patients), score 21-30 (8
patients), and score 31-40 (1 patient).
Conclusion There was a correlation between PELOD score and
multiple organ failure in patient with sepsis. A higher PELOD
score will increase opportunity to get multiple organ failure.


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How to Cite
Hendra H, Runtunuwu A, Manoppo J. Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) Score as prognosis of multiple organ failure in sepsis. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2010 [cited 11Mar.2025];50(4):226-1. Available from:
Received 2017-01-29
Accepted 2017-01-29
Published 2010-08-31