The preschool child in Suka Village, North Sumatera. I. Feeding practices and measured food intake

  • Jane A. Kusin Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
  • H. S. R. Parlindungan Sinaga Department of Biochemistry, University of Sumatera Utara Medical School, Medan, North Sumatera
  • K. Purba Privincial Health Services, Medan North Sumatera
  • U. Rengvist Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
  • J. M. Houtkooper Jan Swammerdam Institute, University of Amsterdam
Keywords: feeding practices, measured food intake, childfeeding, supplementary food


Childfeedillg practices were recorded for 398 children, age 0 - 5 years. Breastfeeding was continued for about 2 years.

Supplementary food during infancy consisted mainly of rice in the form of gruels or porridge. After one year of age fish was introduced, at 2 years children were given part of the family diet composed of rice, fish and some vegetables mainly of the non-leafy type.

In 2 seasons food consumption of 59 children, age 1 - 5 years was weighed. The habitual diet was somewhat low in energy (65 - 98% of RDl), ample in protein  (108 - 158% of RDI) but inadequate in calcium (36 - 86% of RDI), iron (44 - 48% of RDI), retinol equivalents (26 - 44% 0/ RDI) and riboflavin (34 – 41% of RDI).

The inadequacy of the diet was mainly due to improper use of available foods, cultural habits and permissiveness of the mother towards the child. In this village nutrition and health education as well as a belter childcare can make a contribution to the diversification and improvement of the preschool child's diet.

Compared with dietary intakes of preschool children on Java, the Suka diet was superior to the Javanese diet in energy and protein, similarly inferior in fat, calcium, riboflavin and retinol equivalents.


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How to Cite
Kusin J, Sinaga HSR, Purba K, Rengvist U, Houtkooper JM. The preschool child in Suka Village, North Sumatera. I. Feeding practices and measured food intake. PI [Internet]. 30Aug.1981 [cited 6Feb.2025];21(7-8):147-60. Available from:
Received 2017-01-26
Accepted 2017-01-26
Published 1981-08-30