Diabetic ketoacidosis with acute kidney injury in prepubertal children: a report on two cases

  • Dwi Andriyani Eka Hospital Pekanbaru
  • Afriyan Wahyudhi Eka Hospital Pekanbaru
  • Shirley Leonita Anggriawan Eka Hospital Pekanbaru
Keywords: DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis, acute kidney injury, AKI, GFR, CAPD


Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a result of autoimmune damage, in which environmental factors are thought to trigger the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß-cells.1,2 Worldwide, an estimated 65,000 children under 15 years of age develop type 1 diabetes mellitus each year.3 Approximately 30% of children who present with newly-diagnosed type 1 diabetes have diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).4 Himawan et al. reported a DKA prevalence of43.6% in girls.5 The long-term effects of diabetes mellitus include retinopathy, chronic kidney disease (nephropathy), neuropathy, and dyslipidemia.2


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How to Cite
Andriyani D, Wahyudhi A, Anggriawan S. Diabetic ketoacidosis with acute kidney injury in prepubertal children: a report on two cases. PI [Internet]. 16Jan.2017 [cited 9Feb.2025];56(6):360-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/110
Case Report
Received 2016-07-21
Accepted 2016-12-14
Published 2017-01-16